About me
My first experience of yoga was around 35 years ago, in the Blue Mountains, Australia, where I was staying at a Buddhist center. We followed a daily ‘regime’ of hatha yoga, meditation and karma yoga, which meant lots of weeding in the vegetable garden. I was young and had no idea of who I was or where I was going. I definitely did not feel very connected to my body at the time, but it was then and there that I got my first taste of the wonders that lie in the body, and the peace and calm one can find within.
Many years later, I came full circle. My first experience with feeling a deep peace inside was through the body. I then went on searching in multiple directions, encountered the teachings of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky and the Non-dual teachings of Advaita Vedanta, and finally found my way back to yoga again. I’ve been teaching since 2009.
For me, open awareness of the body has proven to be the doorway to inner freedom, aliveness and presence that is already here.
As any other human being, I still know what’s it’s like to feel insecure, outraged, or sad at times. But I’ve learned that behind the confused and controlling mind, the body really has a mind of its own. A much kinder mind than the critical thinking mind. After having fought my fair share of battles in life, the most valuable lesson I have learned is how to let the wisdom of the body guide me when I feel disoriented. It always knows how to bring me back to a place of inner quiet, of inner spaciousness, of already being okay. From here healing can occur.
I now live in Sweden, surrounded by nature. I love the quiet, walking in the forest and being near the river and lakes. I still like to travel, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones, and immersing myself in new ways of somatic learning.
It gives me joy to share this ongoing journey of discovery with others. Whether it is through teaching classes from my studio or holding space for you on retreat.
I hope we’ll meet along the way!
Some of the teachings I’ve followed:
*Hatha yoga teaching training at the Yandara Yoga institute in Mexico *Medical Yoga through IMY MediYoga ® in Stockholm *Restorative yoga teaching training with Marla Meenakshi Joy *Yin Yoga Fascial TTC with Beta Lisboa *Embodied leadership training for HSP and stress recovery with Mia Hozona *Movingness training; an interoceptive method for body-mind integration developed by Peter Appel.
I’ve done ( and will continue to because I LOVE IT!) numerous studies, workshops and retreats in the field of yoga and somatic movement with inspiring teachers like Angela Farmer, Donna Farhi, Julia Martin, Judith Blackstone, Kaila June and Liz Koch, to name a few.

“It has all along been our own self that we are learning to love and to trust and to become.”
Judith Blackstone